Bridesmaids shawls

As I'm sure you all recall I spent a good part of late winter/early spring knitting shawls for my beautiful bridesmaids. I didn't want to knit the same shawl three times (boring!) and I didn't want to knit all three shawls in the same colour (also boring!) so I picked three different patterns that I liked and wanted to knit, chose three different colours of silk that I liked and thought suited my girls, and even though they don't all "match" I'm very pleased at how lovely they all looked together. I knew that the girls wouldn't be wearing their shawls all day, so I wasn't even concerned about making them coordinate with any particular wedding theme, I just wanted to knit them something that I thought they would love, hopefully use again and possibly even keep forever.

The girls had a very hard time telling the "right side" from the "wrong side". In fact, in these photos I can tell that they all have their shawls on inside out, can you tell? No non-knitter would ever notice, so I'm not too worried about it. They all seemed to love their shawls and I for one really love seeing them looking so beautiful in them! I've got this photo that my brother's girlfriend Amanda took printed already and I'm going to frame it and put it next to my desk. It will keep my office friendly and knitterly. I love it!

Lydia on the left is wearing the Percy Shawl in Deep Sea, Sara is wearing her Aeolian Shawl in Plum, and lovely little Lilia (my sister and maid of honour!) is wearing the Nightsongs Shawl in Blueberry.